Stay Safe and Gather Evidence
Get to a safe place. If you are being stalked or threatened, or are concerned about your personal safety, call Baruch Public Safety at 646-660-6000 or the NYC Police Department at 911 or go to a police station or hospital.
Call for assistance. Call your campus Counseling Service, Public Safety or the NYC Police. A public safety officer or counseling staff member can accompany you to a hospital or police station. Contacting the police does not require you to file charges.
Seek medical attention from a listed Resource or at an Emergency Room as soon as possible. These Resources can provide treatment for injuries and for possible exposure to sexually transmitted diseases or emergency contraception.
Preserve any physical evidence. You can decide whether to press charges later, but you can only preserve physical evidence now. Many NYC hospitals have specially trained “sexual assault forensic examiners” (SAFE) who gather evidence usable in court. SAFE exams are free and you can stop them at any time if you are not comfortable. If possible, avoid drinking, eating, showering, brushing teeth, combing hair or changing clothes before seeing a SAFE. But if you have done any of these things, evidence can still be collected and it remains important to seek medical attention. Evidence collection does not require you to make a police report or press charges, it just preserves these options. For more information, please check out this SAFE Guide.